christian public schools in kerala

Career development process

The career development process begins as soon as you enter school. It starts with exploring your interests, narrowing your options and finding the right fit. Stella Maris provides you a healthy Carrer development training. The stages of the Career Development are as follows:

  • Career Awareness: Children experience the career awareness stage as they learn about themselves and what they enjoy doing, what they can do particularly well, and learn what’s important to them. The career awareness stage that children also learn about the world of work.
  • Career Exploration: The next stage is career exploration and this is when children begin to investigate the careers that are of interest to them. They learn the skills that are required and how to develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities to enter career fields that appeal to them.
  • Career Preparation: In the career preparation stage, children and youth gather the knowledge they will need to perform in their careers, including the basic literacy skills necessary to function in modern society and work successfully in an information age.
  • Career Placement Career placement is the stage that is most often experienced during late adolescence and early adulthood, when young adults land their first job outside of their homes for pay.
  • Career Mentoring This career mentoring stage can occur while an individual is still working or following retirement. The career mentoring stage is a time to prepare young people or people new to employment to the expectations and demands of a career field.