top schools in kerala

Deciding on a career may seem daunting, but it is easier when you give yourself a lot of options and time to consider it. You are fortunate if your skill sets match your aptitude. Otherwise, while it is easy to develop your skill sets according to your aptitude, the challenge is to change your aptitude in accordance with the skill sets. Hence, the parents should identify the child's aptitude and encourage the child in developing the required skill sets. Waiting till the end of the one's schooling to decide on the career field may not be a healthy option. Stella Maris International Boarding School provides you a good career path.

  • Begin by determining what you like to do.
  • Identify the skills you use when you're doing the things you enjoy.
  • Think of fields broadly.
  • Consider cross-field work.
  • Learn as much as possible about the qualifications required for fields that interest you.
  • Evaluate your choice of field according to your own perceptions and the information you have gathered.
  • Find people who work in the field and learn from them.
  • Sign up for an educational or training program in the career of your choice.
  • Keep positive.